This is quite possibly my biggest blogging challenge to date!
You’ve asked for handwriting tips and creative lettering ideas and talked about how you’re not happy with your own penmanship. Well, this October as part of the #write31days challenge, I’m challenging you to #31Days to #LoveYourLettering!
When I first floated this idea for my #31days series I got some good feedback, Then, I started writing a little more, and asking you all for some more input and you all blew this out of the water! Now I’m all in!
We’re going to have a month of learning and practicing together.
From complete beginner, to avid pen-snob, to passionate journaler… you’re all welcome and I hope we can all learn and glean from one another. I’m just here to facilitate the fun and answer any questions along the way.
What will the series look like?
Each morning in October a post will go live in the HAND-crafted category. It will have the instruction and assignment for the day. Some days may have printables, all will have photos to show what I’m asking you to do. The assignments won’t take too much time. I know how incredibly busy you all are, and the key to getting us all through #31days is to keep it short, sweet, and do-able!
Live demonstrations and chats on Periscope!
At night, I will use Periscope for a live broadcast of the day’s post instructions and supplies.
What if I’m not on Periscope? Don’t worry! You may not be able to participate in the live scope, but you can still ask your questions here or on the Facebook page. I will be embedding the replays into the posts as we go! It’s just a chance for me to get instant feedback from you all on how it’s going and talk more about anything that isn’t coming across clearly.
What will we talk about this month?
Here are the prep posts:
Here’s the tentative line-up for October (subject to change):
Each of these titles will become a link once the post is live. You can bookmark or pin this page for future reference.
10/1 –Putting Together A Penmanship Notebook / Affirmation Page (updated 2017)
10/2 –Identifying Your Natural Handwriting (updated 2017)
10/3 –Basic Letter Forms (updated 2017)
10/4 –Catch-up Day! (updated 2017)
10/5 –Refining Your Handwriting (updated 2017)
10/6 –Altering Your Handwriting (updated 2017)
10/7 –Adding Whimsy (updated 2017)
10/8 –Faux Modern Calligraphy and Typography (updated 2017)
10/9 –Adding Color (updated 2017)
10/10 –Finding Inspiration / Catch-up
10/11 –Letter a Quote in any Method From This Week
10/12 –Using a Calligraphy Marker (Basic letter forms) (updated 2017)
10/13 –Print with a Calligraphy Marker
10/14 –Italic writing with a Calligraphy Marker
10/15 –Mixing Calligraphy and a Fine Tip Pen
10/16 –Flourishes
10/17 –Finding Inspiration / Catch-up
10/18 –Letter a Quote in any Technique from this week
10/19 –Preparing for Brush Lettering
10/20 –Brush Pen Basics
10/21 –Using a Brush Pen with Your Handwriting
10/22 –Modern Calligraphy
10/23 –Flourishes
10/24 -Finding Inspiration / Catching-up
10/25 -Letter a Quote in any Technique from this week
10/26 – Watercolor lettering with a brush pen
10/27 –Watercolor resist lettering
10/28 –Mixing Techniques for Creative Lettering
10/29 –Some Helpful Books
10/30 –Some of My Favorite Supplies
10/31 –Finishing What You Started
I’m seeking your feedback to make sure I’m covering the questions you have. Don’t see something on the list? Be sure to ask about it and I will do my best to cover that topic.
Be sure to tag your posts with #LoveYourLettering on Facebook and Instagram! Tag me so I can cheer you on, @CreativLEI!
Companion guides are available for purchase.
You are invited to work through this series for FREE at your own pace by following the instruction and videos in the posts, but I’ve made the guides available for those interested in following along more closely to printable pages.
I’m excited to have you join me this month! Are you ready?
Subscribe here to stay updated on new posts and series!
I’m excited! Thanks for offering this!
Shine on!
Thanks for the encouragement, Kelley. I’m excited, too!
Yes. I am ready!
PS: commentLUV doesn’t work for me, but it does on other blogs…
thanks for the heads up, I’ll take a look at that today. So glad you’re joining us.
I am so excited to start this tomorrow. Got my basket of goodies ready to go.
Awesome. We’re going to have so much fun!
very excited to get started with this new adventure!!!
Thank you soooo much!! You’re awesome!
Thank you Kristy. I hope this is a fun month for us all!
Looking forward to this!
I got a link to a cover page in email yesterday, but today when I tried to actually open it and download it, it said the link was expired. Is there somewhere else I can get that from?
Ack, I’m so sorry. I think the links expire after 24 hours, I’ll look at setting them a little longer. If you input your email again, it should resend a fresh link. You will not receive multiple newsletters, as my mail list purges duplicate emails. Thanks for being here!
This online class has been such a blessing! I cannot tell you how much I am enjoying it – I cannot wait for this week’s topics! Thank you for taking time for this!
Hello, I just wanted to jump on and say first and foremost… Awesome challenge and secondly, I am having issues with this day….. I can’t click anywhere to view anything to get all 26 letters or maybe I am missing something and you don’t click anywhere. Please help!!! I actually found this challenge by accident and I am so so so glad I did by far!!!
Hi and welcome, Kelly. Glad you’ve found us. This is the index post to the series. Each day (excluding weekends) a new post assignment goes up in the early part of the day and at night we gather to chat on Periscope to recap and demonstrate any new techniques we’ve covered as well as tackle any obstacles. There isn’t an index of alphabets, instead we’re working through different techniques each week.
Thank you so much for doing this!! I found this yesterday and immediately went to Amazon to order some supplies. I’m anxiously awaiting their arrival!!
Welcome, Katie! It’s great to have you along with us! Enjoy.
Hi Lisa, so glad you make this(handwriting) possible for us! I follow your post, but not that fast. So I wonder if you could update the index list with links to every lesson. That would be great!
Hi Joa. Thanks for the feedback, I do try to keep that post updated but sometimes I need the little reminder.
I want to thank you for your time for this. I have not finish, but I am enjoying it so much. Thank you! I also thank my Lord and Savior for the time to do it,
and my friends that did it with me.
Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback. I so appreciate knowing that it has blessed you. Welcome and thank you for following along.
Lisa – this is the FIRST that I have seen for lettering for lefties! I have been SO wanting to letter in my journal, and so far, my journal has only been electronic. SO – I will be joining (well, a little late – but better late than never) and learning through your blog. Thank you. I’m on my way out to get a quad notebook! Right now!
How fun! I love meeting other lefty lettering enthusiasts. Welcome and I hope you enjoy going through each lesson. I’m always willing to answer any questions, or further explain any hiccups you may find. It’s good to have you here.
I missed this during #write31days!! Amy from MommyScopes (@PolkadotsWishes) mentioned that she was going through it during one of her scopes and I saw your journal on your scope yesterday. This is something I’ve wanted to practice for a loooong time! I think I’ll give it a go as a January project!
Thanks for sharing!!
Welcome and thank you for joining us! All the posts are here for you to enjoy at your own pace. I’m always happy to answer any questions you might have, too. Have fun!
I found you through Pinterest a couple of weeks ago and love your blog. I have been wanting a new challenge and I found it right here! My penmanship is horrible and lettering nonexistent. But it is something I have wanted to do and now I have the time. My book is all ready. I am just waiting for supplies to come in from Amazon. Thanks so much for doing this!
So glad you have found me. Let me know if there’s anything I can help with!
I loved your idea… I’m building the courage to take your challenge!
I do hope you’ll try. I really wanted to break it into small steps so that you wouldn’t be afraid to try.
Hello Lisa,
I followed Stacy Myers over here because I thought this would be a very enjoyable experience, as I love to handwrite and there is always room for improvement! I also am not very experienced in figuring out the logistics in things like this; namely, is this something that someone can just enter in on the game at any point? Anyway, I hope it’ll work out for me to be able to take advantage of what you have labored to offer to your readers…
Hi Denise, glad you’re giving it a try. The series is available, in full, to anyone who wants to give it a try at any point. This post is the series index and gives you links to all of the lessons. Many lessons have demo videos embedded into the post. Let me know if I can provide any other help.
I am looking forward to going through this challenge. It’s exactly what I was looking for! On top of that, you’re a lefty!! I just can’t seem to find many resources online for lefties. Thank you for being such a great resource.
It’ great to have you here, Sue. It’s important that we lefties encourage one another.
Let me know if I can help with anything.
Just found this series and I’m so excited about it! Learning so much and just really enjoying myself. Today I did the basic forms with a calligraphy pen video, but realized that my calligraphy markers are actually scroll tip, with the “v” cut out in the middle. Planning to get to a craft store tomorrow to try and get the regular calligraphy pens, just curious if the technique changes for the scroll tip? Thanks so much for all the work to offer this! Looking forward to joining Part 2 live in October!!
Hi, Jessica. The scroll tip is used very similarly to the broad-nib calligraphy pen. However, keeping the two sides of the nib in proper contact with the paper will definitely keep you on your toes!
I’ve found it most helpful to go slowly with the scroll tips.
Hi Lisa, I just found your page yesterday and it has sparked great enthusiasm – like the thing i’ve been hoping for for a long time ! I’ll study last year’s 31 days work and hope to join this year’s advanced class.
thank you for sharing your knowledge – it means a lot to me
I have a question around your media support – I don’t use twitter nor periscope nor anything else apart from FB and internet. Will i be missing out on tuition if i don’t join these scary things ?
Have a lovely Sunday, from Switzerland
Hello and welcome, Nathalie. I’m so glad you’re here. I hope you’ll have fun joining us. As for Periscope, I will be trying to use FB Live a little more this go around. But honestly, don’t worry if you don’t catch me ‘live’ videos will be on YouTube for future use.
Hi Lisa, I started this #loveyourlettering challenge recently. I was led to it through recommendations on the Catholic Bullet Journalers Facebook page. I’m enjoying it very much. Thank you so much for sharing your work!
Thank you so much for your encouragement, Angela! It’s my pleasure to share.
Hi Lisa,
So glad to have another hand letterer to follow and learn from. Love your blog!
Happy lettering to you and thanks for following along!
I love the updated videos! So easy to do a little bit before my kiddos wake up! I hope you are able to keep updating, because the background music makes for a cheerful morning.
Thank you! I am trying to update all the old ones. I know the videos moved from Periscope aren’t easy to watch.