I know we just recently flipped the calendar to September, but that means October is right around the corner! This October it is my pleasure to bring you another FREE month-long series exploring handwriting, calligraphy, and creative lettering.
You’ve learned some of the basics of lettering, now it’s time to explore further!
Are you a beginner? No worries, this is still completely do-able! We won’t be adding pointed pen to this series. Sorry, for those of you that are disappointed. I just don’t want that to be rushed through as a small part of this series. We’re going to use some of the same supplies we used last fall. I’m busy compiling a new list that I’ll try to keep short and sweet, but I promise that if you joined us for the first part you’ll already have many of the supplies on hand. (CreativLEI.com participates in affiliate marketing and some links within this post may be referral or affiliate links. You can read the full disclosure statement for more information.)
What is your goal for Love Your Lettering, Part 2?
I’ve already got some rough ideas for the posts in this series, but I’m open to your feedback. If you’ve already finished or are working through the first LYL series, what technique do you feel needs further explanation? What else do you want to accomplish with your lettering?
New live demos!
A large part of the fun and success of LYL1 was the live broadcasting to demonstrate and answer questions, so we’ll do that again. I’ll work on a schedule for Periscope and Facebook Live, and I’ve finally learned a little bit more about YouTube, and videos will be posted there for future use (sorry, I’m still working on updating last year’s videos from Katch).
So, are you ready?!?! I am!
I don’t want you to miss an update, so if you’re not already receiving newsletters, subscribe now.
Love YOUR Lettering, Part 2 (2016)
10/1 – Intro and Supply List for #loveYOURlettering, Part 2
10/2 – Review and Prep for LYL2
10/3 – Review of Letter Forms
10/4 – Review of Basic Print
10/5 – Review of Cursive Penmanship
10/6 – Review of Brush Lettering
10/7 – Review of Modern / Casual Brush Lettering
10/8 – FB Live / Catch-up
10/9 – Inspiration for Lettering Design
10/10 – Combining Styles in Hand Lettering
10/11 – Creating Simple Banners and Buntings for Lettering
10/12 – Easy Wreaths and Arrows for Lettering Designs
10/13 – Adding Simple Doodles to Your Lettering
10/14 – Creating a Calligram
10/15 – FB Live / Catch-up
10/16 – Inspiration for Lettering on Various Surfaces
10/17 – Letterning on Canvas
10/18 – Chalkboard Lettering
10/19 – Lettering on a Pumpkin (or other Natural Objects)
10/20 – Lettering on Glass or Mirrors
10/21 – Lettering in Your Bible
10/22 – FB Live / Catch-up
10/23 – Inspiration for Lettering with Alternative Materials
10/24 – Making Cellophane Cones for Lettering and Design
10/25 – Lettering with Frosting
10/26 – Lettering with Fabric Paint
10/27 – Lettering with Henna
10/28 – Lettering with Glue / Foil
10/29 – FB Live / Catch-up
10/30 – Inspiration for Next Steps in Lettering
10/31 – Q&A / Wrap-up
I’m excited that you’re going to do more lettering videos. I love watching you and learning new techniques! God bless you!
Thanks so much, I can’t wait.
I loved the last series! As a beginner it gave me a ton of strategies. I’d love to see some time spent on using different lettering styles and layouts within one piece. I have seen it lightly touched upon and I’ve tried, but I need directed practice!
Thanks!! Yes, I definitely plan on talking more about layout! 😉
I’m not any good at lettering. I’m hoping to improve though.
Thank you for being willing to try, Mathew! I hope your confidence in your handwriting builds with us in the coming months!
YAYAYA!!! I loved Love Your Lettering Part 1, I can’t wait for part 2! =) I am going to try and get my mom to do it with me, we are both teachers and we write lots of stuff for class and to parents, so this will be great! =)
I hope that you show more of your design process. By that I mean for example how you came up with the picture for this Octobers love your lettering picture. I feel I can mimic others designs and change them up to make them my own, but starting from scratch with a quote or saying is very hard for me, any ideas or direction would be great. – As I look at other comments, this is already said! =)
Thank YOU so much for putting this all together, its so great!!!! =)
I’m excited to have you with us and I hope your mom joins, too. I love how many generations are getting hooked on penmanship and lettering! We will definitely be talking more about layouts this year!
I’m so excited you have chosen to do it again!!! I’m almost finished with the first LYL challenge and I’m loving it so much! I have always had that crafty creative flair and also pretty handwriting, I feel like this is exactly what I needed to amp up my style and techniques!!!! I just came across this tonight as I haven’t been on your actual blog other than the LYL pages and I was overjoyed to know this time I will be able to follow along on periscope live with all of you! It just looks like so much fun to be able to be live with you and ask questions and get live answers and demonstrations of what you ask!! I so can’t wait!! Now to finish the first and get ready for the second!!! Yay!!! Oh and p.s. thanks for validating my pen obsession I have possessed since childhood lol! (I remember my aunt being in college and having colored pencils she used and gave to me, probably because she noticed I was fascinated by them, and I thought they were called ” college” pencils at the age of 3!!) But now I’m really outta control lol!! And I love it!!! Thanks so much and I so can’t wait to see you live and do this next challenge! You are an amazing woman! Thanks again
Yeeeessss!!! We pen-
hoarderslovers need to stick together! 😉 I can’t wait for this go around so I can reunite with the letterers from last year and get to know you and others who followed along after the live series had ended. October is going to be so fun!