Before you think I am completely discouraged and failing at this “homeschool thing” I will say we are doing some things very well.
They are learning…
Francesca can now read consonant-vowel-consonant words (like cat, pen, map, etc) by sounding out any of the letters of the alphabet. I am teaching strictly phonics, not sight word memorization.
Andrew knows his addition fact through the 4-fact family.
Evan can add Roman numerals. 😉
Francesca can write all her letters and is practicing using only lowercase letters within a word.
Andrew is learning consonant blends and digraphs to grow his reading skills without the crutch of sight word memorization.
Evan has created replicas of various tools used in Ancient Egypt.
Francesca can read the first few books in the Bob Books blue set on her own.
Andrew has memorized two poems (as well as continuing his regular AWANA verse memorization).
Evan can diagram sentences and knows how to use a dictionary.
They can all tell you a little about Antonio Vivaldi and Claude Monet.
They’ve all milked a goat!
I could go on (and I guess sometimes I need to in order to realize for myself just how far we’ve already come in two months). I will try to post about some of our non-traditional schooling adventures soon because we have had a lot of fun at this too.