Summer is here (or creeping up very soon) and it normally means a change of pace. For those whose children attend school it’s a chance to enjoy a little more time together. Those that homeschool, even year-round, have an opportunity to change things up a bit and have a little more fun than our regular schedule.
Some of my most vivid childhood memories are summertime moments.
I want my children to have a heart full of those precious moments too, but I have to admit there are many days that I’m not feeling motivated or creative to make those plans. But when the day ends I’m often left praying that God would forgive my squandering of the time He gave me.
I pray that His Spirit would empower me to be an intentional parent in each season of the year and each season of life.
This summer Looking at Life CreativLEI is joining up with four moms, Missional Mama, Our Good Life, Walking in High Cotton, The Daisyhead, to bring you:
Our goal is to share ideas and inspiration for strengthening relationships with our spouses and our children in an intentional and lasting way. Each week these five moms will post on a different theme of summertime family fun.
Our theme for this week (June 13th) is:
Old Fashioned Family Fun
Fine Print: We ask that you include the graphic or a link back in your post, and link your blog post directly to the link. (Please reference “What is a Permalink?” at My3Boybarians if you are unsure how to do so.) Please keep your posts family friendly and related. {We reserve the rights to remove any links that do not follow these rules.}