Remember when we added whimsy to our handwriting? Today we’ll use a fine pen in coordination with a calligraphy pen for some fun details.
Use a fine point pen to add details of whimsy to calligraphy.
Now we’ll go from more formal calligraphy to adding some fun and whimsy.
It’s sometimes very tricky to get the nice thin hairlines with a calligraphy pen, but using a fine point pen to add in those little details is a great solution.
It can be a formal decoration.
Or, it can be some swirls that look fun!
The ‘hi’ on the bottom was written with the fine point, and then the down strokes were thickened with the calligraphy pen.
The upper ‘hi’ I drew with a ‘hole’ in it, and then connected the two pieces with a zig-zag!
You can create any type of letter you like!
Have fun playing with this combination of pens!
Ready for a little more crazy? When I attempted to Periscope this demonstration, my phone refused to cooperate. Gah!! This is real life, folks!
Buckle your seat belts for our Periscope chat from this assignment.
**You can find all of the previous assignments on the series index page here (or by clicking on the image above). A list of basic lettering supplies can be found in this post.**