Now that you’ve given drawing banners and buntings a try, are you ready to create easy wreaths and arrows to use in your hand lettering?
You can draw these wreath designs!
I can sense your apprehension, because these elements are going to require a little more drawing. Keep in mind that fine art is not our goal here, we’re creating doodles that add interest to our over all design.
I use basic shapes like tear-drop leaves, spirals turned into flowers, or loopy daisies to adorn my hand-drawn wreaths.
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When drawing arrows, I like to keep them simple with basic geometric shapes and sketch in feather textures.
It helps to let go of the idea of creating perfectly straight lines.
Remember that when you are doodling by hand it should look hand-drawn, not always crisp and clean lines.
You can keep them as simple as you like, and just add small details to bump up the design aesthetic.
Watch as I draw out a few easy wreath and arrow motifs:
Some supplies to help with drawing wreaths:
I think you needed to talk about how to draw the flowers and leaves more, the video was so quick I had no idea what to do. Probably was the first time I’ve been really lost in one of your tutorials.
Thank you for the feedback! In the new year I will be adding more tutorials and step-by-step guides.