In July of 2013 I became very aware of my deteriorating wellness and for the first time I decided to take intentional steps at lasting health and fitness. I began trying to lose weight, started Mutu System, and reading Trim Healthy Mama.
Since we’re two years down the road and I thought it was a good time to update you on how I’m doing maintaining my health. I’m going to share what has worked and what needs more work. Where I mention books and products I’ve used, those links are affiliate or referral links. If you make a purchase from those links, I receive a small commission directly from that company.
Does Trim Healthy Mama Still Work, Two Years Later?
One of the first questions most people ask is if I’m still following Trim Healthy Mama.
In a nutshell, YES! I’ve found that the principles that I gleaned from reading Trim Healthy Mama have stayed with me. Even when I eat off-plan, I am conscious of the choices I’m making and I know exactly how my body will react to those choices. I recognize which foods will trigger more bad choices. I know which foods satisfy me and nourish me. I know which choices will eliminate the bloat and blah feelings. I still do not use sugar to sweeten my coffee. I often limit grains, specifically refined grains. I still separate my fats (S) and carbs (E) during most meals. I’ve maintained a 23lb loss.
These were my pictures from my first 6 months following Trim Healthy Mama:
Have I Gained Back Weight?
I have gained ten pounds back in the past year from the total that I lost. However, it didn’t surprise me because I understood the cause. It happened very gradually. I gained some weight leading up to our Peru trip as I liberally added carbs back into my diet in preparation for our time in the mountains (rice and potatoes were the center of most meals). Once we returned home I didn’t focus on losing that weight, we headed straight into the school year and I got lost in the days.
This past season of holidays I didn’t make any THM-friendly treats, and I had far less self-control over the baked goodies. My meals were still THM, but I was working against my better intentions by making a habit of indulging off-plan. Slowly, over the past 14 months, 10lbs of the 34 I had lost found their way back to me. But to be honest with you, I have not put forth the intentional effort to lose them. My jeans still fit, my shirts still fit, and I am still wearing a swimsuit comfortably. However, I’ve regained 2 inches in all the places I had lost and I want to change that.
Is Exercise Necessary with Trim Healthy Mama?
If your health is decided in the kitchen, do you really need to exercise?
I started my fitness journey with exercise using the MuTu System, but decided to concentrate on my eating habits for a season because I realized that I was sabotaging my physical milestones with my food decisions. For the initial weight-loss that was fine. However, two years later, putting off the exercise is no longer okay.
I began training for the Color Run this past spring, but because I have ignored my core strengthening for too long, I injured my back while running. Not good! I did participate in May, but was walking, dancing, and skipping instead of running. I would like to accomplish running a 5K by the end of the year.
What Happens When You Eat Off-Plan?
Falling off the wagon? Goofing up? Cheating?
Call it whatever you want, there are just times when you intentions and your actions just aren’t matching up. Sometimes it is your poor planning, sometimes it is beyond your control. The ‘old’ me would sink into stinking thinking that called myself a failure or a quitter who would just need to start over the following week, or month, or year. However, since finding THM I don’t spiral down that path anymore. I know another opportunity to choose smartly is never more than three hours away. One poor meal doesn’t destroy all the work I’ve done, but I do need to recognize and correct old patterns before I reinforce bad habits. I find that one off-plan meal doesn’t effect me if I’m indulging briefly, with moderation, and eating smartly before and after. However, if I start stacking bad choices, I start to feel like the old me. The tired, sluggish, bloated, and achy old me.
My Biggest Struggle in Maintaining Health.
Old habits die hard.
Yes, even two years into the #fitmom journey, I’m still battling old habits. By far my greatest struggle is keeping myself well-nourished. In this busy season of motherhood I continue to get caught up in our daily to-do and inevitably miss meals. I’m not skipping meals to fast. I DO NOT believe that skipping a meal is the proper penance for poor meal choices. For me, I get busy, time runs away, and I’ve forgotten to get a good healthy meal in. My busy weeks often mean I’m meal-planning on the fly instead of sitting down each week or month to lay out a good plan.
Another struggle I’ve been experiencing is PMS cravings. Yes, I’m going there. My first year on THM I was still experiencing lactation amenorrhea (the longest I’ve ever experienced it), and now that menstruation has returned I can say that my cycle is as regular and predictable as it was before I started having children. That is good news. I was worried that being a grand multiparous mom meant that I would experience irregular cycles for the rest of this stage of life. Thankfully, I’ve found it to be the opposite. However, I have very predictable BAD cravings. Eek! Yes, I could make skinny chocolate, or something else on-plan, but that isn’t what I crave. I’m actively trying to find good alternatives that adequately satisfy those crazy cravings. Thankfully, I know when it’s coming and it doesn’t last long.
How Do You Start Again?
Here’s my challenge for you all!
Are you fighting old habits? Struggling to grasp the Trim Healthy Mama plan? Finding it hard to exercise regularly? Just starting Phase 1 of MuTu System? I want to band together to encourage one another! When my friend Jamerrill linked to my THM posts, it added some needed accountability for my own follow-through. I’ve created a closed group of FB for us to get to know each other a little better on this journey. If you’d like to join us for this and future challenges be sure to request join the group, Looking at life CreativLEI | Challenge and Encouragement (yes, I know that’s a very long name). This month my focus is regular exercise and tracking my meals and water for accountability.
Will you join us? What challenge would you like to see?
!!! Yep. I’m a’strugglin’. Since we had our 2yr olds I have been pregnant 2x and now have a 5 month old. I joined WW but honestly it’s been a joke. In 3 months I have lost 6 pounds. I seriously get caught up in tracking every.single.thing to make sure I’m in my “points”. I just don’t have time to do that. I don’t have time to type out every recipe I make to find out how many points it is going to cost me. I don’t want to live my life counting points.