You’ve spent all summer getting hooked on cold-brew coffee.
Now you’ve burned through your Starbucks funds and are still craving a delicious, tall, cold brew.
No problem, you can make it yourself!
Don’t worry, you don’t even need any fancy or expensive tools to make cold brew coffee at home.
(This post may contain affiliate links.)
All you need is two ingredients for great cold brew coffee.
Grab your favorite ground coffee (coarse grind, NOT espresso grind) and water.
I use around 1 cup of coffee in a quart jar and fill the jar with filtered water. I like to make it a little on the strong side so that I can use it as a concentrate. Place the lid on tightly and give it a good shake, then place the jar in the fridge for around 24 hours. (Sometimes I leave it an extra day or so and it’s just fine.)
Now you’re ready for the ‘hard’ part. I say that with a smile, because it really isn’t difficult.
I don’t have a coffee sock, or other fancy cold brew equipment. I found this on Amazon, it’s really beautiful, but not necessary (yet? Ha!).
I just use a mesh strainer and a coffee filter over a big measuring cup.
Just pour it in and let it drip. I pour about half at a time, so as to not flood the filter.
I prefer to sweeten my black coffee concentrate. I use sweet juice concentrate to stay sugar-free and Trim Healthy Mama friendly. You can use which ever liquid sweetener you prefer.
Here’s how I make sweet juice concentrate.
Add one tablespoon of pure stevia extract powder (a little less if using THM Organic Stevia Extract) to a quart of filtered water. Stir to dissolve. Cover with a breathable material and allow it to sit at room temperature for three days. Three days is crucial for fermenting and getting rid of any bitterness or funny aftertaste that is commonly associated with stevia!
After three days it’s ready for use. I add a splash of vanilla extract, the vanilla for a touch of flavor and the alcohol serves as a preservative. Cover and store in the fridge. Add to any beverage, it’s perfect for cold drinks since there are no crystals to dissolve!
Flavor your cold brew coffee to perfection!
You can go as simple or as complex as you like. I like cream in my coffee (name that song!), but if you want to lighten it up into a sipper, just mix half and half with almond or cashew milk (also great if you need a dairy-free alternative!). I like to add a touch of vanilla and almond extracts, and sometimes a sprinkle of cinnamon for a metabolism boost.
I’m going to try the cold coffee idea and the sweet juice. Sounds good.
I hope you enjoy it. Let me know if you add anything interesting. I love switching it up occasionally.
Hi Lisa!
Love your blog and I’m currently working on the Love your Letting tutorial. Which is fabulous so far! I just wanted to suggested using a French press instead of messing with the straining thru a filter. Basically I make my cold brew the same with the exception of using a French press (which I got on clearance at Target for $10 bc the body is red vs the normal black). It super easy! I let it brew over night 8-10hrs 👍🏻👍🏻 easy peasy!
Welcome and thanks! We have a French Press, but I hardly ever use it. I’ll have to give it a try for cold brew.