Now that you’ve practiced controlling the pressure while writing, let’s try the same exercises with a brush pen!
Practice basic strokes with a brush pen.
You’ll be using the fragments that make up all of the letters. This gives you a chance to practice consistency of the hairline upstrokes and the weighted downstrokes.
Arches that start from the baseline and go over.
Valleys that start with a hairline and loop backward.
Zigzags with a hairline up and a weighted line down.
Mixing the ‘bumps’ and ‘valleys’ in a line.
Once you start to gain control over the pressure on the brush pen, try writing out the alphabet. Well focus on print and script tomorrow, but this is just a quick pressure check.
Are you having fun? Or is this stressing you out?
I know it’s a little tricky to get the hang of the pressure. Go back and warm up with a pencil to see if that helps.
A companion guide is now available for this section of LoveYOUR Lettering click on the image:
**You can find all of the previous assignments on the series index page here (or by clicking on the image above). A list of basic lettering supplies can be found in this post.**
I just ordered a dual Tombow pen, and now I am not sure it’s what I needed. It says that one end is for very fine lines, and the other creates medium to heavy lines.
The Dual brush pen can definitely be used for brush lettering, however, you might find that the broad brush might be a little harder to get a very fine hairline. I’ve demonstrated that style pen a few times on Periscope and will continue to show samples with a variety of pens during the nightly demonstrations.