Back in 2009(!?!?) I began to chronicle our very first major DIY project. It all started with a trip to Friendly’s…
So what happened next?
I learned a lesson that would serve me well when we began our most recent renovation, our kitchen. I learned that sometimes helping my husband with a project does not mean me being part of the action of said project.
Once we started laying the new floor it was clear that no matter how many “it’s-so-easy-just-snap-and-click” how-to videos we watched, the laminate flooring was going to be a bear to install.
At this point I stopped taking progress pictures because it was getting a little ugly, and I was getting a LOT in the way.
So remember the picture of those lovely boxes of beautiful laminate flooring?
Misnomer! They were not utopian! They were… well, we won’t go there.
Each time a new board was laid, the previous ones would shift. Frustration. Lots of it.
Our living room and dining room are combined, so that made for a very long pattern to lay out. Installing in a single room would have been quite a bit easier.
Thankfully dear friends came to the rescue. He helped Vince while she and I stayed out of the way and occupied the children.
Now the floor is in and I love it. We’ve been living on it for over five years and it’s holding up very well under us, and our children, and our dog, and our cat…
It was finished in time for this little guy to start crawling! Yes this is Nate, when he was a peanut!
I wouldn’t go back to carpet. The ease of laminate has been this momma’s pleasure.
Have you had a home project that has taken on a life all it’s own? Will you share your story with us?
Oh that sweet lil Nayer Tater. Miss. His. Face.