Recognition of the depth of grief surrounding the loss of a baby has come a long way from where it was in even the recent past, but for many it is still a taboo subject.
Day 30 of Capture Your Grief: Tell what you want the world to know about your journey through loss.
There isn’t much I ask for when it comes to how those around me deal with my loss.
I only hope that everyone will extend to me the grace they expect me to extend to them. I do realize how uncomfortable it is to be the person on the outside of loss.
There is no perfect thing to say or do.
There are three things that are very important to me:
- That I have the freedom to speak her name and that others aren’t afraid to mention it.
- That people remember Miranda is my 6th child. There is no one to erase or replace her. She will always be our daughter.
- That life is valued, no matter what stage. From conception until death there is life. The number of days are not what determine it’s meaning.
No one wants their child(ren) forgotten.
**Capture Your Grief is a 31 day photo challenge created by CarlyMarie. For each day of the month during October (Pregnancy/Infant Loss Awareness) bereaved parents are encouraged to share their journey through photographs as a way to share the healing process. I am participating in this series and will resume sharing our homeschool journey, recipes, and life in general in November. Thank you for your thoughtful understanding while I share my heart this month.**
Thank you Lisa for speaking of Miranda, your strength is amazing. I only wish I was as strong as you. Only recently have I started talking more about our Joy. 3 years ago today, I found out I was pregnant. I still mourn for my child that I never truely knew but I know that God has a plan and that I will one day see my child in Heaven. Sending prayers up for you and for your family NY, hope they are safe.