This morning I was notified that the summary suspension against Evelyn Muhlhan has been amended and now includes Miranda’s case.
There is a bitter-sweetness to this inclusion.
For many months when stories have aired about E. Muhlhan I have cringed knowing that my daughter was at least one more “adverse outcome” she has had. Now with the amendment Miranda’s story is spelled out for all to read. Miranda’s case is complaint #6.
Reading the details was… interesting.
Muhlhan’s practice (Alternative Birth Choices) was subpoenaed for my records, yet turned they were submitted incompletely. I don’t understand why. All of my records for Miranda’s pregnancy were electronically filed and should be readily available. Muhlhan only turned over records of FOUR of my prenatal visits.
I was seen monthly through week 28, then every two weeks until the last month when I was seen weekly.
I have a copy of my prenatal care between March 7, 2011 and August 17, 2011 (the copy that was left with me at my 36 week home visit) that records EIGHT dates of prenatal visits.
Why did she not turn over my complete records?
Did she not submit the records of visits that were attended by her assistants, Lorrie Leigh, Dianne Sellers, and Lori Sarebo? Did she not provide those records because it would indicate these women providing medical advice and care when not licensed to do so in Maryland?
No records were included of labor, delivery or postpartum care.
It was noted that I had signed her practice’s Terms of Acceptance for Midwifery Care or Homebirth, which stated I would be seen by qualified medical personnel (never listing doulas as part of the list of providers):
that work in direct consultation with qualified physicians.
It also stated that:
I agree to submit to Evelyn Muhlhan the name of the back-up physician I plan to use in the event that consultation with and/or transfer to a physician becomes necessary.
The only name I was ever asked for was my regular physician and pediatrician for the baby, never for the name of someone who could assume obstetrical care.
One of the most alarming things I read in the report was the timeline from EMS. They received the call at 11:37PM. Miranda was born at 10:54PM. The arrived at 11:43PM to transport.
There were 43 minutes that passed from the moment of her birth to the moment the call was placed. It was far too long.
When Miranda arrived at Carroll Hospital Center her rectal temperature was 96 degrees, she was hypothermic. She was transported wrapped in a mylar blanket and was still hypothermic.
The damage caused by improper resuscitation was irreversible.
My daughter arrived at the “five minutes away” hospital too late to matter. What happened in the time before transport was made was catastrophic.
I would never choose homebirth again.
I am so, so sorry, my friend. It is too awful for words. Seeing it in black and white like that is….devastating. I thank God He has given you the courage to tell the truth about what happened. I pray for you every day. <3
I think having the timeline was the worst part. The details I knew, but to have the time marked…
I will walk where He leads.
<3 ((hugs)) to you
Reading this for the second time- but first time with Miranda’s case brings a ton of overwhelming emotions to my heart and mind. A lot of unanswered questions and a little confusing to why she did not submit all of your records. Thinking of you lots, and you continue to be in my prayers everyday. I love you sis…
Still trusting in The One who holds us all.
My heart hurts for you. God is good, His is the Comforter, He understands. But it is a long road, and I’m praying for you. All of your family.
The medical records after my parents accident were just devastating to me. My husband read them first and suggested that I NOT read them right away, but I insisted. Part of me wishes I hadn’t because some of the words still haunt me and I find myself even now having to unclench my hands and give it to God over and over again when I think about it. And then it was all over again with the court hearings.
But the Lord is ever close to the broken-hearted. His grace is a warm covering. Sending love…
It is the struggle we face with wanting to know, yet not wanting any more hurt. As the time since she was here grows longer I am able to see things like this in a less emotional way. I know He uses ALL things for the good of those who trust in Him. He is good.