Last year I entered some knitting and spinning work into the Maryland State Fair, and I won a few ribbons. This year we’ve encouraged the children to enter. This week, our school days have been dedicated to finishing up their entries. It’s been a great alternative to regular book work and gives them some time to keep their hands busy in a productive way.
I buy a LOT of craft supplies throughout the year to fill up our craft bins with things that the children can work on during free time or when they just need to work with their hands (I often doodle or knit to keep my mind focused with my hands busy). It’s great to stock up at the end of summer when the craft stores have their “summer camp” craft supplies on clearance (plus Michael’s and Joann’s honor teach discounts for homeschooling parents!). Now we’ve raided the craft bin for supplies and all the children have been busy creating…
They’ve been weaving on a loom.
Setting perler beads into different designs.
Building LEGO models. I was floored by their creativity with these, both of the older boys built original designs to enter. Evan created a giant squid attacking a sperm whale (you can tell what type of shows we like to watch).
Andrew created an emergency services boat, complete with driver, paramedics, and patient!
Both boys also constructed wooden models.
Evan also folded a tiny origami crane, but we decided this shouldn’t be entered since it might get lost. He’s attempting to break a world record so he’s been practicing to see how small he can create one.
Everything was registered and dropped off at the fair this evening. Next year I am going to have them finish up a few days before the deadline since it was a little hairy getting their before the cut-off. We’ll be excited to see what the results are.
**This post is linked up at Educating Laytons for Tactile Tuesday, be sure to check out how others are incorporating hands-on learning with their children.**
Do you keep lots of art and craft supplies on hand for your children? Have you ever looked into entering your state fair?
AMAZING!!! Those boys are so very talented. Tell them I said “great job”. Can’t wait to hear about the outcome. Good luck!! <3
Love ya
I’m hoping there aren’t too many tears if the only ribbons are participant ribbons. I kept trying to remind them that not every entry ‘wins’.
Wonderful creativity! (They must get it from their momma!)
Thanks. They would of course give me minimal credit. 😉
Such great crafts! Mine are in fair mode right now too. We drop off Mon-Wednesday.