No, I’m not talking meaning of life…
I just finished filling out the summary sheets for our homeschool review and checking the children’s portfolios to make sure they’re in order and a good glimpse at our first year of homeschooling.
Good, bad, or otherwise… they are.( More on that and what we’ll be changing to come)
A little scattered, apparent changes in curricula, not all neatly stamped (or even printed on the same size pieces of paper), some subjects are thin, some are heavy and most aren’t in writing. Our children (and I) have been through quite a journey this year. The Lord has revealed so much of Himself in how he has taught me about, well, me through this year. There’s nothing that will put you at the feet of mercy like bringing your children home for school. Before starting to homeschool my time in the Word was erratic, searching for passages that I knew and needed refreshing on or something that was applicable to a discussion, but now I see that unless my day starts in the Word (no matter how many or few verses or chapters) before my feet hit the floor, I will be scattered and desperate. I don’t have leisurely long and deep devotions like I did when I was younger and the only responsibility I had was the care and keeping of myself, but I am talking to and listening to my Father before I give attention to anything else around me (including the children that are likely to already be awake or the blinking red light that says there is a message on my Blackberry) and it is EXACTLY what I needed. Someday my life will quiet down a bit (like 10 years from now or something) and I may once again enjoy true “quiet time” with my Lord. I’m just thankful He’s meeting me where I am and feeding me the breakfast I really needed. I’m sorry for how long I’ve put it off waiting for a wise older woman to come and show me how to do it when all I had to do all this time is run to the Father!
So even if this first year at home with all the children was to simply return me to where I was supposed to be than I’d say it was successful.
Now how I’ll explain that to the Carroll County Board of Education is a post for itself… 😉
I love this, Lisa! Your heart and yield to the Lord is beautiful. Can’t wait to hear more!