I know, it’s getting longer and longer between posts. What can I say, life is crazy when you’re nearly 36 weeks pregnant and have three children 5 and under!
Whew, I am kind of relieved the holidays have passed. We had a wonderful Christmas, even with it’s sad start. The kids have enjoyed each and every gift they received, which of course make Vince and I very happy. The big favorite this year was the Knight’s armor we got for the boys, not a day has passed that they haven’t spent some time slaying dragons around the house. Francesca’s favorite is the new baby doll that Grandma and Grandpa S. sent her (we returned the twin we purchased, great minds think alike!). She carries “Baby” just about everywhere and takes very good care of her. She’s also very attached to “Lindsey”, the doll that Grandma and Grandpa R. gave her, Lindsey is a big girl, but Cesca takes care of her just like Baby. (And yes, “Baby” and “Lindsey” are the names Cesca uses for them.)
On New Year’s Eve we hosted the 2nd Annual New Year’s Eve All-nighter for the youth group. This year I actually stayed awake the entire time! Everyone had a blast, only Andrew fell asleep before the ball dropped, Evan and Cesca were awake to ring in the new year. Of course we pretty much slept until January 2nd after all the teens left!
One of the girls that graduated last year came in for a visit and stayed with us a few days. It was so good to see her and get updated on how college-life is treating her. Of course I had to keep explaining to the boys that we needed to wait a few days before having PB&J for lunch since Marie is deathly allergic! We all hung in there and luckily we didn’t send her to the hospital the entire visit (I’m sure her parents will be glad about that)!
We’re settling back in now and just waiting on baby. This week is the big 36-week milestone that clears me for a safe home-birth. Yeah!!! Not that I expect to go early (I was two weeks LATE with Francesca!), it’s just a relief to know we’re good to go! The birth kit got here this week, so all the supplies are set. My midwife came out for my home visit this week and everything looks good. She promises that as long as I call her at the onset of labor (and tell her I really am in labor) that they’ll be here nice and early this time around. The baby finally decided to turn into the vertex (head-down) position, so we are all very happy here and we’re just praying she stays that way!
So there’s a little update. Oh, and for those who have been wondering, we have registered for the diaper things we still need. Let me know if you want the links.
FINALLY!!!!….it wasn’t so bad to just brief us..right?..lol…very glad to hear things are going good..the kids still have plenty more presents waiting for them at “mm pa pa’s”(as cesca would put it)house..lol..
Good to hear.. Wow to be deathly allergic to PB & J.. I would give myself shots..lol. I wouldnt be able to last. Sounds like Cesca is going to be a good mommy’s helper. =)