This afternoon the speech therapist came out to evaluate Andrew’s speech. We think there’s a little bit of a delay. There are a lot of thing we can’t understand when he speaks.
Her opinion… He’s right on track for his age. And that basically I should not compare him to his older brother. OUCH! I really have tried not to compare them. I mean, I waited until he was three before pursuing anything. Evan did talk early and I really tried to keep that in mind. What can I say. She said we just needed to keep correcting him when he speaks and to give it another year before re-evaluating…
So the Duckie will just keep quacking at his own pace. On a good note, he is doing really well in Cubbies and has memorized his first three verses!
aww..lil ducky..
Aww.. he will get there, we like his little ducky voice. No you can’t compare him to Evan because he is our one & ONLY DUCKIE !!!
WEAA!.. i agree with brit and gee.he rubs off on us sometimes!
Awe! Thats great news. He’ll catch up … at he’s own pace. For now … let’s keep on quackin … that’s just one of those duckie qualities LOL :*