Okay, so I am now a knitting machine! I’ve finished a pair of pants and a pair of capris. Whew, my poor fingers. Francesca is loving them so far. Too bad they’re too big. She is such a peanut. I’ve been knitting up the medium size option. It’s now obvious she needs the
smalls… So tonight I started yet another one! Found a different waist option, so I am hoping this will help. Everything else has slid right off her! We’ll see. Tomorrow I’ll be picking up our very first batch of diapers, a dozen prefolds and a couple of snappis. We’re starting simple (and cheap). I’m also joining a co-op to purchace a batch of fitted diapers at wholesale price. So with those two batches we’ll have a great start for Francesca.
Over the next few months well add a few one size diapers too probably these. I’m so liking how cute she looks in wool though. I can’t wait to really try it out and reap all the benefits I’ve read about. The boys are still asking for their yarn pants, but there’s NO way I’m making them woolies! I’ll have to pick up some machine washable yarn for them. They seem to be okay with waiting, for now. I do have an idea for Christmas pajamas though, hmmmm. Well, the needles are calling, I’ve got to get back to work…
not bad…i don’t know how u finish it all so fast..i’m still workin on my belt from last year..i guess not much of it will get done by sitting in a bag though..lol…
The boys are so funny. The pants and capris look great. You are amazing!!! I can’t even say I don’t know how u do it …. I really dont … but that line from me is probably a little old right now LOL 🙂