There was only one thing Vince really wanted for his birthday, to go camping with the boys. I think it’s a great idea, but I know my boys and how short their attention span is. I know that while the idea is novel in the beginning that Vince’s nerves would be fried just a few hours into the adventure. So, what to do? They planned the next best thing, a campout in the back yard. Vince had the boys all set for adventure and they hung onto every word with wide eyes as he gave them their marching orders. They cleared their campsite and scouted out their supplies. With one quick run to Walmart for a new tarp and some dogs and buns, they were ready. But Evan was a little off. He’s coming down with what Andrew had last weekend, yuck. The boys got the tent pitched and cut up some wood for the fire pit as I weeded the herb garden. All the while Evan was just laying around saying he was tired and he had a headache. Vince got the fire started and we roasted up some dogs (fire roasted dogs are my favorite kind right now). Evan said he needed to rest and wasn’t hungry, so he got into his pajamas and went to lay down in the tent. The rest of us enjoyed our dinner. After some firefly catching we were ready to roast some marshmallows, that perked Evan right up. He might not have been hungry for dogs but he was all over the mallows! I got Francesca into bed and headed out to clean up the campsite. Turns out that Andrew wasn’t quite ready to sleep outside, so he’s all tucked into bed. Evan decided that he would feel better if he slept outside tonight (I’m sure the dose of medicine helped). So Vince and Evan are tucked in under the stars for the night and I’ve got a bed to myself. Yum!
It sounds like they had a fun time.. How did they make out? Did Evan last all nite outside?
Thats awesome!! Come on … we need to know … did they make it all night outside? Did you get a bed to yourself all night? Need more details. That sounds just like my lil Ducky … sticks around for all the food & then wants to be cozy & comfy LoL. See ya Soon. Lots of Love & Kisses all around.
that was such a great idea for everyone to do together..yea..i wanna know also?..did they survive the night?
Awww, another camping experience for the ole memory banks. One step at a time, Vinnie. Soon they’ll be enjoying camping to its full measure just as much as you did 😉