Okay, so I am like the worst blogger, EVER! But you all love me anyway and you keep coming back looking for more…
Laurie and Dave came down for a quick visit over the weekend, tons of fun. Eventually I’ll get the pictures uploaded off the memory card… Don’t hold your breath though. Lots of laughs. Uncle Dave will never again offer to take Andrew to the bathroom, Laurie and I have crazy mustaches with all these pregnancy hormones *wink*, Evan will get you with his karate chop action, Francesca is the fairy princess (but look at her the wrong way and she’ll whack you on the head with her wand!) and eventually Vince’s motorcycle will make it past the parking pad, and it’s always a good Sunday when the pastor sings “Let’s Get it Started” as part of his sermon… Ah, more memories.
On Tuesday the carpet went in downstairs and we finally received a partial payment from the insurance company for our damaged property. Of course it was for about 25% of what we actually claimed, but it’s a start. Luckily we were able to use some of it for things we really needed, like a new fridge (yeah!).
Wednesday we hit IKEA, since that is like the best place to furnish the home for like half the price, which also means Vince and I stayed up wayyyyy too late putting together all the pieces (love them crazy Swedes) and now the home office/craft room is set up again (minus all my goods still), the computer has made it’s way back downstairs where it belongs, and we got a couple of pretty cool TV chairs. Hopefully the rest of our claim will get paid and we’ll be able to replace the sofa and chair and some more of the furniture.
I also had an appointment with my midwife on Wednesday. Everything seems to be going good. My blood pressure is good, the baby’s heart rate was nice and strong and I’m feeling much more movement. I gained a few pounds which brings me to +10 for this pregnancy so far (which sounds better than it is since I was a little overweight to start off). My MW has recommended a second U/S to recheck the sacrum and I’ll be making that appointment in the next couple of weeks. Next appointment is the gestational diabetes test (fun) but luckily she doesn’t make me gag down the glucola drink, instead, she gave me a list to choose from with food sources of equal glucose levels, YEAH! I also got the list of supplies we’ll need. For a home-birther that is always big fun, starting to assemble the birth kit. It means we’re in the home-stretch, there’s just something about having all those things in the next room that just makes you feel ready. Of course last time we barely broke the packaging on most of the items… but that’s an entirely different story.
In other news… We are officially off the market. Sigh. It really is a relief (for now) and we’ll just have to see what happens. Vince and I have been going over it all a lot lately and we’re prayerful that God will reveal His path for us through this. Last Sunday our pastor preached on “Going Home (or returning to a place of failure)” it was a lesson on the prodigal son and it really spoke to each of us. It really isn’t ever easy to take those steps back to where you went wrong, but the payoff is always worth it. So it seems to us that maybe God didn’t say “NO” to us (concerning the move or SU! for me) but we have heard with clarity His answer of “NOT NOW”. There may be more for us to do here and we’re eager to see what He has waiting for us.
Glad to hear everything is good over there. It sounds like you guys had fun last weekend =).. I am waiting for pics hurry an update that. Maybe now with the house off the market things will be alittle easier for you guys now,no more stress with that. Glad the new little one is coming along “it’s” way. Can’t wait to meet “it”.lol Well keep us updated. Love You All. xoxox
IT’S ABOUT TIME!!….i wanna see pictures!…those kids are funny..i kinda do/don’t wanna know why uncle dave won’t bring andrew to the bathroom..lol…
LOL!!! SO MANY LAUGHS!!! We had an awesome time … need to do it more. That’s right – I didn’t spread the bathroom story around … I’ll have to get to that. Glad to hear you had a good appointment with your MW. I go Wed – hopefully to find out the sex 🙂 yippee … we’ll see. Well, let me go check out those pics. Can’t wait to come back & see the basement. LOVE YA ALL LOTS & LOTS